PASR serves as a legislative watchdog for all of Pennsylvania’s public school retirees.
In the past, PASR has helped school retirees attain seven cost-of-living adjustments and had a hand in the creation of health insurance premium assistance which is now $100 a month, as well as many other legislative accomplishments.
PASR continues fighting on behalf of public school retirees and has assumed a lead role in having introduced, passed, and signed into law the following initiatives:
- Promote continued preservation of the defined benefit plan of PSERS
- Promote legislation required to strengthen the Health Options Program (HOP) administered by PSERS
- Promote legislation to maintain or increase the current level of premium assistance that is provided to eligible retirees
- Advocate for an ad hoc cost-of-living adjustment for school retirees
- Support the increase from one the number of retired members who serve on the PSERS Board of Trustees
- Promote passage of legislation to prevent abuse and political manipulation of the retirement systems
- Support any legislation that will protect Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security benefits.
PASR members and supporters help finance our efforts through L/PEC contributions. Each dollar we receive does make a difference.
L/PEC donations are used to:
- Promote establishment of positive relationships with legislators by educating them on the issues, attending their caucus events in Harrisburg, and sponsoring “meet your legislator” and “meet and greet” legislative candidates events in their districts.
- Interview candidates for public office and publicize their positions on issues of concern to all school retirees.
- Compile and publicize the voting records of officials serving in Harrisburg on issues of concern to retirees.
- Pay the expenses of producing and mailing information to keep volunteers and members informed on what is happening in Harrisburg.
Please donate today!
Legislative and COLA Updates
PASR is in the process of proposing new legislation to get a COLA passed for our members and all PSERS Annuitants. To view the latest information on our efforts, please click here.